Video: Franziska Giffey now the first “rulers” of Berlin

Franziska Giffey now the first “ruler” of Berlin

“Red-Red-Green” is now “Red-Green-Red”: The leaders of the SPD, the Greens and the Left in Berlin signed the coalition agreement on Tuesday morning to continue their state government. Franziska Giffey is now the first governing mayor of Berlin after Louise Schröder, also SPD, was mayor of Greater Berlin for a year and a half in the post-war period. Giffey said about the coronavirus situation: O-TON FRANZISKA GIFFEY, FUTURE GOVERNING MAYOR OF BERLIN (SPD) (“It will be about what measures we take here in Berlin to protect our population, to maintain health and our critical infrastructure also to be maintained. “) The top candidate of the Greens, Bettina Jarrasch, becomes Senator for Environment, Mobility and Climate Protection. She compared the continuation of the coalition to the second season of a television series. O-Ton: “Today RGR season 2 begins with a new cast and a revised script. I can promise for ourselves. We want less drama and more harmony. Personally, I like happy endings. It will always be exciting.” The left-wing top candidate Klaus Lederer remains Senator for Culture. The members of the left paved the way for this coalition in a member survey. The chairman of the Berlin Left, Katina Schubert, took up the series motif from Jarrasch: Original sound: “As chairman of my party I am happy about the quite clear vote, despite all prophecies of doom, that my members have given for this continuation of this season Red-Green-Red in Berlin. I think we have a lot to do. We have a good coalition agreement, we wrote a lot into it. ” After the contract was signed, the parliamentary groups of the SPD, the Greens and the Left elected Franziska Giffey (SPD) to the new office as governing mayor. It received 84 votes, three fewer than the three-party coalition that supported it on that day.


The SPD politician is the first woman in this office of mayor since it was introduced in 1951 under the title “Governing Mayor”.

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