Video: For British pig farmers, it’s all about the sausage

For British pig farmers, it’s about the sausage

This British pig farmer has a problem: for months, slaughterhouses have only been collecting 75 percent of their animals because there are not enough slaughterers. That is why there are now 5000 more animals than usual in the barn, it is getting tight. The farmer’s wife is desperate. O-TON VICKY SCOTT, PIG FARMER: “We have never had such pressure. It is really emotionally exhausting and financially brings us to the edge of the abyss. Yes, we are doing badly at the moment. The pig farming industry urgently needs help. Hopefully hear the government to us, something has to happen now. ” The reason for the situation is Brexit. In the course of leaving the European Union, many butchers had to leave the country. Almost 800 positions are currently vacant. If something does not happen soon, 150,000 pigs would have to be emergency slaughtered, warned the British Farmers’ Association. In any case, the British have to adjust to rising food prices. Because in order to find more British applicants, wages have to be increased significantly. That, in turn, should then be noticeable at the supermarket checkouts.


Because hundreds of butchers are missing, almost 150,000 pigs are threatened with emergency slaughter.

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