Video: “Fiona” devastates east coast of Canada

STORY: “Fiona” has reached the east coast of Canada. The ex-hurricane made landfall on Saturday with hurricane strength. The hurricane left a trail of devastation in Newfoundland, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Islands. Storm surges tore down houses, trees and power lines were destroyed. Many people had to leave their homes. Initially, however, there were no reports of deaths or injuries. Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced aid for the affected regions. Canadian Army forces are also to be deployed to repair the severe damage. “First and foremost, we think of the people who have experienced terrible things in the past 12 hours. They have seen their homes washed away, the wind torn schools and roofs off. But as Canadians, we will, as we have in difficult times Always doing times, being there for each other.” Severe storms, but also forest fires and flood disasters are becoming more common, Trudeau said. “We know there’s work to be done and the government is obviously taking it seriously. It’s about building infrastructure that can withstand extreme weather events, maybe a once-in-a-century storm, but now it’s more likely to happen every few years rather than every hundred years. ” Authorities estimate that “Fiona” could take on historic proportions. According to the Canadian Hurricane Center, possibly the lowest air pressure ever recorded in a storm in Canada was measured in Nova Scotia. According to meteorologists, the ex-hurricane has weakened further on its way.


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