Video: Animal rights activists criticize Turkish camel wrestling festival

Animal rights activists criticize Turkish camel wrestling festival

The images are reminiscent of scenes from times long past. Thousands of people gathered in south-west Turkey over the weekend to watch camels fight. More than 150 animals participated in the 40th Camel Wrestling Festival. Two camels compete against each other in an arena and fight each other. This is a long-standing tradition, say the camel owners about their hobby. Animal rights activist Gulgun Hamamcioglu, on the other hand, calls the event a “great crime”: “How can something like that be? A living being is fighting in front of your eyes. The animals suffer, are injured or maybe kill each other. People have fun with it and maybe make money with it “. Proponents reply that the muzzles would not allow the camels to seriously injure each other and that there would be personnel to separate them if the clashes became too violent.


Two camels compete against each other in an arena and fight each other.

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