Bilal Hassani in majesty on the Croisette for “The Queens of Drama”

Bilal Hassani is in Cannes for his first role in Drama Queens, presented at La Semaine de la Critique in a special screening. “I have already been to Cannes but I had no responsibilities then. It’s no longer the same thing. It’s less relaxed but more like family! The film team is in agreement with what I am. » His cinema family is Alexis Langlois, the director of the film, but also Louiza Azura and Gio Ventura, actress and main actor in this love story between two singers separated by fame.

He plays Steevyshady, a hyperbotoxed YouTuber who is a fan of a star to the point of hating her when she no longer corresponds to the image he has of her. “I found myself in this character, in the relationship we can have with our idols when we are young queer and we look at pop stars like our mothers. I experienced that with a lot of singers when I was a kid. I even slept in front of Bercy while waiting for Lorie. This is why I have always been touched by my fans. »

Our texts on Cannes are here

Queer in the skin

Bilal Hassani stepped into this role of web witch with palpable jubilation. “I felt at home because the cast was all queer and not all white, which is important to me. » But what does “queer” mean, a word that regularly comes up on his lips? “For me, that means: being different, deviating from the norm and claiming it. »

A profession of faith that Bilal Hassani embodies with talent by also embracing other causes. “I fully support the #Metoo movement because it is essential that speech be freed. I obviously feel solidarity with it. »

On the way to the Queer Palm?

Drama Queens is in the running for the Queer Palm, an award that excites Bilal Hassani. “It would be wonderful for the film because this trophy puts the spotlight on different works,” he confides. It highlights issues that are too little addressed in French cinema. I am a fan of the work of Lucas Dhont, the president of the jury. I shed torrents of tears Close. »

After Cannes, Bilal Hassani will return to his first love, song, with The Mixtape which will be released on June 7.

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