Verena Wriedt commemorates her husband

Verena Wriedt with husband Thomas Schubert at the Berlin Fashion Week in July 2019Getty Images

Verena Wriedt (48) speaks openly about her husband’s death. TV fame and her lover went for seven years Thomas Schubert through life as a married couple. Their little son Lio should make the happiness of the two perfect in 2013. But in 2021, shocking news made the rounds: Thomas died at the age of just 47. Now the anniversary of his death has come for the second time. In an interview remembered Verena at her Thomas return.

Verena Wriedt in January 2020Getty Images

“We had a wonderful day, then picked up my son. And suddenly at 9 p.m. my husband is gone. Just like that. Without warning. Heart attack is just so nasty because you don’t have a chance to say anything else or to prepare yourself,” said the 48-year-old on the show “Exclusive weekend”. In addition, she added: “I was hoping to the end that a miracle would happen, that he would just wake up and say, ‘Come on, I survived, we have another chance.'”

Thomas Schubert and Verena Wriedt in Berlin, July 2019Getty Images

In the first days after Thomas‘death cared Verena hardly about herself, as she also revealed. Her then seven-year-old son Lio finally helped the moderator. “So, Mom, now watch out! You shower, put on make-up and get dressed, comb your hair and then we go to the rink.”the little one had said at the time.

Verena Wriedt with her son LioInstagram / verenawriedt

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