Vegan and vegetarian diets: these are the 14 best travel destinations

Fantastic beaches, idyllic mountains and exciting and captivating cultures – the world has so much to offer. In some parts of the world, however, those who do without meat and animal products for health, ethical or environmental reasons have had a hard time.

Because veganism or vegetarianism affects a little more than six percent of the total population in Germany – but in other countries the nutritional trend is far from widespread. At least not in all.

Destinations for vegans: Asian countries at the top

However, there are certainly travel destinations that offer a wide range of culinary delights for all those who prefer not to eat meat. The renowned travel blog “Asher & Lyric” has analyzed the data from all travelable countries and created a “Vegan Travel Index” with the most worthwhile travel destinations for vegans and vegetarians.

Hardly surprising: Asian countries in particular end up at the top of the ranking. India, Vietnam and China are good examples of the varied options for designing vegan and vegetarian food. But Germany doesn’t do so badly as a travel destination either – we still end up in 12th place.

The Instagram hit list for vegan travel destinations

The travel blog is not alone with its ranking, there are always analyzes of the best travel destinations for people who have special dietary needs. The online portal “Casino Online”, for example, looked at which cities are mentioned most often in connection with vegan nutrition on Instagram. The result was the following ranking:

source: Asher & Lyric

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