Valérie Hayer denounces a “trap” after being photographed with ultra-right activists

On the photo extensively repeated on social networks, she is seen posing with four men with blurred faces, one of whom is wearing a t-shirt that clearly reads “The White Race”. Valérie Hayer explained herself this Sunday on his X account.

“This is a trap that was set for me by activists from a small neo-Nazi group,” explains the MEP. “This Sunday, I was stopped by men asking for a photo. In principle, I am not in the habit of refusing and I accepted it as I do every time”

Further, she denounces “unworthy methods, those of the extreme right which I condemn with all my strength and which I will fight tirelessly”.

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” Did not have time “

Valérie Hayer explained that she “did not have time to see the racist inscriptions on their outfits”, the day after a gathering of the ultra-right which was held in Paris at the initiative of a “Committee of 9 -May” to commemorate the death of one of them, Sébastien Deyzieu, who died accidentally in 1994.

A few minutes before the message posted by the Macronist candidate, the leader of La France insoumise Jean-Luc Mélenchon had assured that “no sane person would appear with such perpetrators of ethnic violence”, calling for assurance of the “authenticity” of the photo.

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