USA: rampage in Nashville planned for months

Status: 4/4/2023 4:57 am

According to police, the killing spree at an elementary school in the US city of Nashville was planned for months. According to investigators, the motive for the crime is still unclear.

A week after the killing spree at an elementary school in Nashville, Tennessee, police released new details about the incident. Accordingly, the massacre, in which three children and three adults were killed, had been planned for months.

The police in Nashville announced that this was evident from writings and diary entries found on the person responsible. There is still no clarity about the motive. However, it was known that she had considered other such acts.

Contradictory information about the perpetrator

The heavily armed person fired a total of 152 shots from the time he entered the school until he was shot dead by the police. According to police, it is a 28-year-old woman from Nashville who used to go to school herself.

According to investigators, she self-identified as transgender. This is the name given to people who do not – or not only – identify with the sex that was documented at their birth. However, the police made conflicting statements about the gender, which caused public confusion.

The act sparked great consternation in the United States and once again fueled a debate about possible reforms to gun laws. The United States has long faced tremendous levels of gun violence. Rampages and shootings are part of everyday life there.

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