US space company commissioned: NASA has suits developed for the moon

Status: 08.09.2022 11:01 a.m

The private company Axiom Space is producing new space suits for 228.5 million dollars. NASA commissioned this because they want to send people back to the moon with the Artemis mission.

By Florian Mayer, ARD Studio Washington

The private US space company Axiom Space is to develop a space suit system that NASA plans to use for its first moon landing in over 50 years. As part of the “Artemis” program, the “Artemis III” mission should not allow people to fly to the moon again until 2025 at the earliest and land on the earth’s satellite.

Axiom Space, based in Houston, Texas, will be responsible for the design, development, certification and ultimately production of the spacesuits and related equipment, the US Space Agency said.

The order also includes a test of the suits in a “space-like environment”. In the end, acceptance and approval is up to NASA itself.

NASA struggles with technical problems

Axiom made headlines in April with the first private charter flight to the International Space Station. At that time, three private individuals flew into space in a “SpaceX” space capsule with an experienced pilot – ticket prices are said to be 50 million US dollars.

Meanwhile, NASA’s “Artemis” space program is struggling with problems. The launch of the “Artemis I” mission has already been canceled twice due to technical problems with the newly developed SLS rocket.

Moon mission Artemis: Private company Axiom will develop space suits

Florian Mayer, ARD Washington, 09/08/2022 09:24 a.m

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