Urinary incontinence: causes, forms and treatment options

A weak bladder, as people like to call urinary incontinence, is anything but unusual. In fact, nine million people suffer from one of the numerous forms of bladder weakness in Germany. 40 percent of them have stress incontinence, 38 percent have so-called mixed incontinence and 15 percent have urge incontinence. Women are more likely to be affected than men, and people over the age of 60 more than younger people. People with urinary incontinence can no longer decide for themselves when they go to the toilet. If you have to, then you have to, immediately and without detours!

Tools that restore the quality of life

Unwanted urination naturally puts a lot of strain on everyday life. Those affected withdraw into their own four walls, avoid contact with others and ultimately become lonely. Depending on the degree of severity, there are numerous aids that enable carefree participation in everyday life. Even when continence can no longer be restored due to illness or injury, a urine leg bag greatly improves the quality of life. It is attached to the upper or lower leg and can be worn unobtrusively under clothing. This is a plastic bag that is attached to the urinary catheter with a tube. A drain valve enables unobtrusive emptying. The practical holder allows for discreet carrying. This means that leisure time belongs to the person concerned and not to the bladder.

Read on right away: Weak bladder: These 3 home remedies help with incontinence

Different causes for different forms of incontinence

Any uncontrollable, involuntary loss of urine is called incontinence. However, there are numerous forms of urinary incontinence with different causes. If the pelvic floor muscles are weak for some reason, even a sneeze or laugh can cause urination. In this case, the doctor speaks of stress incontinence. It can possibly be improved by targeted pelvic floor training.

In the case of so-called urge incontinence, the bladder reacts overactively. The cause may be a neurological disease or there is external pressure on the bladder, for example due to being overweight or a prolapsed bladder. Dribbling occurs when the bladder is not emptied properly. This can also be caused by weakened pelvic floor muscles. Overstretching of the bladder muscle can lead to overflow incontinence.

What treatment options are there?

Incontinence is a taboo subject, despite the fact that so many people suffer greatly from the uncontrollable loss of urine. There are numerous ways to counteract the so-called bladder weakness if those affected would consult a doctor at an early stage.

In the case of stress incontinence, he will recommend special bladder training that improves the performance of the bladder again. A change in lifestyle can also bring relief. For example, you should avoid diuretic drinks such as coffee or black tea. During the day you should drink as much as possible, in the evening after 7 p.m. you should drink less so as not to disturb your sleep.

If the trigger for urge incontinence is a urinary tract infection, the doctor will prescribe medication. If the prolapse or prolapse of the bladder is the cause, the only option is surgery. It doesn’t matter whether it’s pelvic floor exercises, medication or surgery, it takes some time to restore the bladder’s performance. Until then, you should exhaust all possibilities to continue participating in life.

There is a wide range of special incontinence products that can be tailored to personal needs. Staying home for fear is not a good solution in the long run.

Also interesting: Urinary incontinence: These mistakes aggravate bladder weakness

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