Update on the situation

Public television strengthens security for journalists after incident

Public television in New Caledonia announced on Friday May 17 that it was strengthening security surrounding its journalists, after unknown persons attacked the equipment of a reporting team.

These journalists, who cover the riots on the archipelago, will be accompanied by security agents until further notice, the director of news content for New Caledonia La 1ère told Agence France-Presse, Olivier Gelin.

“We will now take people to protect the teams during filming, in addition to the classic protections in this type of situation, helmets and bulletproof vests”did he declare. “Our teams are working in a complicated situation. Despite everything, we must do our job, continue to do it while adapting to what is happening outside.”he added.

A journalist from the channel told Agence France-Presse that while she was interviewing New Caledonians on Friday morning, she was attacked, as well as the cameraman who accompanied her, by around twenty of hooded men, near the center of Nouméa. Getting out of a truck, these strangers ordered the journalists to leave, in a very aggressive manner. “We didn’t even have time to get into the car, they smashed the windows”, reported the journalist. The cameraman, threatened with a stone, had his camera snatched from his hands. The two journalists were not injured, having been able to escape thanks to a motorist who picked them up as they passed.

“This morning we were talking with everyone (…)and everything seemed calm (…). The problem is that if we are threatened when we go to see the rioters, we cannot do a balanced job”lamented the journalist.

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