Unterföhring – More trees at Feringasee – District of Munich

The district of Munich has planted 50 native trees in the Feringasee recreation area in recent weeks. These include various maple species, English oaks, white elms and pines, which complement or complete the previous solitaires, rows of trees and groups of trees by the lake. According to the district office, the trees, which are still small, should later provide shade for those seeking relaxation, serve as a habitat for animals and produce as much oxygen as possible. More than 400 native shrubs were also planted to increase biodiversity and offer a wide spectrum for insects, bees and birds.

According to the notification from the district office, Lake Feringa is a demanding location for trees. There are layers of gravel directly under a layer of fertile topsoil about 25 centimeters thick. Since the roots cannot find a footing in the gravel and the water seeps away quickly, the trees have difficulty surviving longer periods of drought. Accordingly, the district has adapted the planting concept at Lake Feringa. On the one hand, the gravel was replaced with water-retaining tree substrate before planting, so that the trees have the necessary water supply and plenty of volume for a large root system for future water absorption. On the other hand, the trees and shrubs are watered regularly in the first two years and as needed in the following years.

In addition, the trees were protected from the sun with white trunk protection paint and anchored to the ground with a triangle of stakes. In the course of these new plantings, old rootstocks were leveled and new meadows were sown in the year-round popular recreation area, the district office announced, in order to create even more space for those seeking relaxation.

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