Universities in Bavaria: There are no gender problems at universities – Bavaria

In the gender debate, the student representatives of several Bavarian universities sharply criticized statements made by Science Minister Markus Blume (CSU). “As student representatives, we have never received any complaints about “gender coercion”, and we are not aware of any cases of poorer evaluations due to “non-gender” at any of the universities involved in this letter,” says a joint statement from the university Student representatives of the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Würzburg, the Ludwig Maximilian University and the Technical University of Munich, the University of Applied Management in Ismaning, the Munich University of Applied Sciences and the Catholic Foundation University of Munich.

The student representatives accused Blume of pushing the issue further without reason. It is surprising that such alleged problems should have reached the State Ministry in the form of complaints, but the universities themselves are not aware of any such incidents. The criticism refers to a statement by Blume, according to which he received “repeated complaints” that there were disadvantages in exams because someone “did not follow some gender guidelines”.+

His company is following up on these reports and “in fact, a lot of things seem to have taken on a life of their own.” However, from the perspective of the student representatives, this is not true: “We would like to point out that the resources of the Ministry of Science should be better used to solve urgent problems in the higher education sector. We are deeply disappointed that the State Ministry is engaging in such populist claims. At universities There are no language regulations for written work on gender-specific language.”

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