Netflix is ​​probably canceling its first basic subscriptions after price increases

After price increase
Netflix is ​​probably announcing its first ad-free basic subscriptions

Netflix wants to get rid of its ad-free basic subscription – and is now sending cancellation notices itself

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Netflix has long since declared the ad-free basic subscription to be phased out. Now the streaming provider has probably sent the first cancellation notices to customers themselves.

New customers Netflix can no longer take out the ad-free basic subscription, which the streaming provider, as announced, wants to quickly end. Now Netflix itself has probably sent out the first cancellation notices for existing subscribers.

An American user of the Reddit platform has posted a screenshot, who shows an email in which Netflix asks him to change the existing ad-free basic subscription to one of the three subscription models now available. Otherwise he would be threatened with termination by the provider. The change should take place by July 1st, it is said.

Netflix: These are the current subscription models

In Germany, the basic subscription has no longer been offered to new customers since October. It is also known that Netflix wants to migrate its customers to the new subscription models. The streamer’s annual report said: “We plan to discontinue the basic tariff in some markets where the advertising subscription is available.”

There are three current subscription models: A standard subscription with advertising for just under five euros a month in Full HD. This model can be used on two devices at the same time. This offer is also available without commercial breaks for just under 13.99 euros. The premium subscription for 19.99 euros allows up to four users to watch HDR and 4K streams and Dolby Atmos at the same time. You can only share accounts with people in the same household. Since last year, Netflix has been cracking down on the sharing of passwords between users from different households. At the same time, the streaming service introduced the cheaper subscription with advertisements for 4.99 euros. All subscriptions can still be canceled on a monthly basis.

For existing customers of its ad-free basic subscription, Netflix has now increased the price from 7.99 euros to 9.99 euros. New customers can no longer complete it. And now Netflix itself is probably trying to terminate the existing contracts. Such dismissals have not yet been announced in Germany, but that could now change.

Source: Picture,

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