Underwater rugby stronghold Ottobrunn – District of Munich


Michael Morosow, Ottobrunn

Lotte Kijftenbelt shoots towards the basket like lightning and is about to sink it into it. Then events unfold. Two opponents grab her, a third pulls at the ball, wants to snatch it from her, and finally she is pulled roughly by the leg from below. Kijftenbelt winds like an eel, turns on its own axis and winds its way to the basket. If Lotte were a fish, she wouldn’t have a problem with another rival lying on her back on the basket and blocking the opening with her rear end. But Lotte Kijftenbelt is a 17-year-old girl from Ottobrunn and the remaining air supply in her lungs does not allow any further combat operations. With the last of her strength, Lotte passes the ball to a teammate and appears. Welcome to underwater rugby, a game of breathlessness, a sport whose fascination is largely hidden.

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