Unconditional basic income: No license to be lazy – podcast “important today”

“important today”
Unconditional basic income: “Enough money to fail”

License to be lazy or basis for social peace? The unconditional basic income is still highly controversial.

© Picture Alliance

The fact that people no longer want to work is an argument used against the unconditional basic income. Studies and projects have disproved this many times. One of the projects, “My Basic Income”, was initiated by the author and activist Michael Bohmeyer.

“People don’t stop working just because their income is secure,” says Michael Bohmeyer in the 360th episode of “Today’s Important”. Because there are many reasons for work: that you get recognition, learn something new, do something meaningful.

Bohmeyer also lives from the earnings of an IT company that he helped to build up in his late 20s and thus gets a kind of basic income of 1000 euros. But instead of lying around lazily, he founded the “My Basic Income” association. Through crowdfunding, the association finances a monthly basic income of 1,000 euros for people who are lucky enough to be drawn. 1264 people have already successfully participated in the lottery.

Unconditional basic income: “People are becoming healthier, more social”

The project has been in existence for eight years. Michael Bohmeyer’s insight: “People are becoming healthier, happier and more social.” But: “It’s not that easy for some people to just get something for free.” Because suddenly there is also this pressure to change something. “There was even someone who wanted their money back.” Not all worries disappear with basic income, says Michael Bohmeyer, but for most of them the money was a great gift: “Just the fact that they know the money would be there when they need it ensures that go into life braver.” Some would have changed little, saved the money and many have realized their dream “because there was enough money to be able to fail”.

Michael Abdollahi

© TVNOW / Andreas Friese

Podcast “important today”

Sure, opinionated, on the 12: “today important” is not just a news podcast. We set topics and initiate debates – with attitude and sometimes uncomfortable. Host Michel Abdollahi and his team speak out for this star– and RTL reporters with the most exciting people from politics, society and entertainment. They let all voices have their say, both the quiet and the loud. Anyone who hears “important today” starts the day well informed and can have a well-founded say.

Equal opportunities through the basic income: “Startup help for everyone”

Half of society is in favor of a basic income, says Michael Bohmeyer. But “we still want to be able to control the others a bit. We haven’t learned to trust or begrudge others.” In the long run, he believes, there will be no getting around making fundamental changes. Because in times of war, inflation, climate crisis or digitization, real change is needed. “But where is that supposed to come from? People who are stressed don’t change.” Such a change could be achieved through the basic income: “The basic income would be a start for everyone, so that we actually have more equal opportunities.”

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