Ukraine-News: Russian fleet commander has to vacate his post

For your Deployment at the forefront in battle against Russian troops receive monthly Ukrainian soldiers 100,000 hryvnia (around 2500 euros) additionally to their military pay.
This was announced by the Ukrainian military leadership to end speculation about pay and benefits.

“A soldier who serves the country and protects it from the aggressor, risking his own life and health and performing duties under extremely difficult conditions, must be highly motivated,” the General Staff statement said.

The 100,000 hryvnia are “reserved for defenders who are fighting directly at the front”. Soldiers performing duties in the battlefield, however not directly involved in fightingas well as Air defense soldiers received accordingly 30-000 hryvnia (737 euros) allowance. Those deployed in the rear receive no front-line bonuses. The basic military pay for all soldiers was raised to almost 20,000 hryvnia (490 euros) from the beginning of February.

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