Two people killed and three injured in McDonald’s parking lot

Saturday evening, around 11 p.m., a woman and a man in their twenties were killed Saturday evening and three people injured when their vehicle was targeted by Kalashnikov shots in the parking lot of a McDonald’s in Marseille, indicated the prosecution, confirming information relayed by BFM Marseille Provence.

“The five people were in their car in the McDonald’s parking lot when a vehicle came up to them and hit them with a Kalashnikov, the driver and the passenger in the front died,” said Marseille prosecutor Nicolas Bessone. The three passengers in the back, two men and a woman, were injured, two of them seriously.

The three men were known “unfavorably to the justice system for drug trafficking and violence in the Toulon region,” he added. On site, twenty-four cartridge cases (Kalashnikov type) were found, according to BFM.

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