Two dead, six injured in Las Vegas: man stabs show girls with kitchen knife News

Two dead, six injured in Las Vegas |

Man stabs show girls with a kitchen knife

He came with a big kitchen knife and started stabbing…

In the middle of the famous Las Vegas Strip, the hotel and casino mile in Nevada’s desert metropolis, an assassin killed two people and injured six, three of them seriously. Among the victims are four showgirls who took photos with tourists on the boulevard.

According to witness statements, the perpetrator asked her for a picture together around 11 a.m. on Thursday morning (local time) and then stabbed her with a kitchen knife.

Rescue workers at the crime scene on Las Vegas Boulevard

Photo: Uncredited/dpa

A witness told KTNV TV that the perpetrator said he was a chef who wanted to take a picture with some of the showgirls with his knife in his hand. When the women refused, he stabbed them.

Another witness told KTNV that he did not see the alleged stabber, but thought he heard the women laugh before what were revealed to be panicked screams.

The incident reportedly happened on the northern part of Las Vegas Boulevard near the Encore and Wynne casino hotels and the Fashion Show shopping center. The showgirls are said to have greeted tourists on the sidewalk in front of the Wynne Hotel. Some of the victims were attacked on a nearby pedestrian bridge.

A suspect has been arrested and was overpowered with bloodstained hands at the nearby Venetian resort, a police spokesman said. A large kitchen knife was found at the crime scene as a likely weapon. The police spokesman did not comment on the possible motive. Initially, there was talk of one dead and five injured.

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