Two attacks on election candidates leave nine dead

Violence continues to shake Mexico in the midst of the electoral campaign. Nine people were killed in two attacks against candidates in the local elections on June 2 in Chiapas, in the south of the country, the prosecutor’s office in this region said on Sunday.

Overtaken by the violence of organized delinquency, Chiapas has for several days been experiencing attacks against candidates for municipal elections.

A candidate killed in an ambush

One of the two candidates was injured in these attacks which occurred during the night from Saturday to Sunday in Villa Corzo and Mapastepec, the prosecutor’s office said in its press releases. He initially announced three deaths in Villa Corzo, before confirming that one injured person had died in hospital. Five people were killed in Mapastepec.

Thursday evening, six people were killed in Concordia near Villa Corzo, including candidate Lucero Lopez during an ambush after a campaign rally. In San Cristobal de las Casas, the tourist capital of Chiapas, the candidate for president of the municipal council of the Partido Verde, Linda Higuera Gutiérrez, also denounced an attack against her campaign team.

Since September, at least 28 candidates for local office have been assassinated across Mexico, according to the latest figures from the NGO Data Civica as of Thursday. The violence affects all parties, whether the ruling left-wing Morena, the PRI-PAN-PRD opposition coalition, or the Movimiento ciudadano.

More than 20,000 mandates to be filled

Cartels, bands or gangs seek to “impose candidates” in elections, recently explained the prosecutor for electoral crimes in the state of Michoacan (west), Victor Serrato. The modus operandi is more or less the same: “the criminals choose a candidate” and let the others know that they “do not have the right” to run.

Mexico is preparing to organize the biggest elections in its history on June 2: presidential, Congress and Senate, nine governorates out of 32 states, and a myriad of local elections. A little more than 20,000 mandates are to be filled in total.

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