Trump on Afghanistan withdrawal: “a total surrender”

Status: 08/22/2021 01:01 p.m.

If he had still been in office, the Taliban would not have taken power in Afghanistan so quickly – says ex-US President Trump. His successor Biden is responsible for the “botched withdrawal” of the US armed forces.

Former US President Donald Trump has described the withdrawal of US forces from Afghanistan as the greatest foreign policy humiliation in US history. “This is not a retreat. It was a total surrender,” Trump shouted in front of supporters in Cullman, Alabama.

He again blamed US President Joe Biden for the fall of Afghanistan to the radical Islamic Taliban. The US withdrawal that triggered the collapse, however, was negotiated by Trump’s own government with the Taliban.

“Biden’s botched withdrawal from Afghanistan is the most amazing display of gross incompetence by a nation’s leader, perhaps ever,” Trump said at the event.

Biden criticizes the Trump administration’s withdrawal agreement

The Taliban, with whom he negotiated, respected him, Trump said. Had he still been in office, the Islamists would not have quickly taken over Afghanistan. “We could have left the country with honor. Instead, we are now leaving it with the opposite of honor.”

Biden, on the other hand, said he inherited a bad withdrawal deal from Trump. He criticized the Afghan military and the Afghan government, which is now in exile, for refusing to fight the Taliban.

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