“Respect the religious values ​​of athletes”… Monegasque Camara supported in Mali

Whatever its form, the day of fight against homophobia in Ligue 1 is definitely accompanied by serious controversies. The two main slip-ups of this 38th day of the championship concerned the Egyptian striker of FC Nantes Mostafa Mohamed, who refused (like last season) to play the match in Monaco because of the special jersey published by the Professional Football League ( LFP), and the Monegasque Mohamed Camara.

The Malian ASM midfielder masked with tape the logo against homophobia flocked on his jersey and worn by all players, coaches and referees, as part of a campaign to fight against discrimination led by the LFP. He also skipped the pre-match ceremony announcing this League action.

Oudéa-Castéra wants “the strongest sanctions”

While the French Minister of Sports Amélie Oudéa-Castéra denounced “unacceptable behavior” and requested “the strongest sanctions” against the player and his club, Mohamed Camara has since received the support of personalities in Mali and many compatriots on social networks.

“Those who call themselves defenders of freedom and democracy must respect the religious convictions of athletes. Full support for Mohamed Camara,” Hamidou Doumbia, Malian politician, wrote on Facebook. “Is he there to play football or support political causes on imposed sexual orientation? », also asks Fatouma Harber, Malian blogger and feminist, on Facebook. “Total support brother Camara. Be strong, brother,” Iba One, a famous Malian rapper, published on his networks.

The Senegalese president supported Gueye in 2022

Multiple Malian sports pages also gave their support to the Muslim player in publications, illustrated by photos of Mohamed Camara during his pilgrimage to Mecca. Internet users deplore that the Malian international did not receive the support of his federation nor that of his club and national team teammates. They cite the precedent of the Senegalese international of PSG, Idrissa Gueye, who caused controversy in France in 2022 after withdrawing from the L1 day dedicated to the fight against homophobia.

He notably received the support of the then head of state, Macky Sall. In Mali, 95% of the inhabitants are Muslim and the country is attached to religious and traditional values ​​which do not tolerate the practice of homosexuality, even if no criminal sanctions are in force. In 2022, Malian Minister of Justice Mamoudou Kassogué described homosexuality as an “unnatural relationship”, while indicating that it would soon be criminalized, during a workshop to validate a preliminary draft law on the Penal Code.

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