Trump insults Cassidy Hutchinson – Politics

Former US President Donald Trump slammed former White House staffer Cassidy Hutchinson after she testified before the investigative committee into the Capitol storm. The woman is “crazy” and lives in a “fantasy world,” Trump said in an interview broadcast on the right-wing populist TV channel Newsmax. “She has serious problems, I will put it that way, mental problems.” 26-year-old Cassidy Hutchinson caused a stir on Tuesday with an impressive statement.

According to Hutchinson, the ex-president was aware in advance that the demonstrations on January 6, 2021 could lead to violence. Hutchinson said he knew the protesters were armed. She described various scenes that she said she herself had experienced in the White House and repeated conversations that she had heard herself. Republicans and Trump, on the other hand, accuse her of only having second-hand information.

Trump repeatedly emphasized that he hardly knew Hutchinson. She worked as a White House aide to his chief of staff, Mark Meadows. In his verbal counterattack, Trump focused primarily on part of her statement, which Hutchinson actually only described, citing a conversation with a colleague and the responsible Secret Service official. Accordingly, Trump is said to have tried on January 6, 2021 in his armored SUV to grab the driver’s steering wheel. Trump denies that.

On January 6, 2021, Trump supporters violently stormed the seat of parliament in the capital Washington. Congress met there to certify Joe Biden’s victory in the previous presidential election. Five people were killed in the riots, including a police officer. Trump had recently incited his supporters at a rally that his election victory had been stolen. The committee is working on the attack.

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