Trump claims he has FBI evidence showing Biden wanted him dead

Donald Trump is once again punctuating the American presidential campaign with a bang. The former president suggested that an FBI search warrant for his Florida residence in 2022 showed that President Joe Biden wanted him dead.

The incendiary remarks came after court documents outlining plans for the federal police search were made public. Donald Trump is being prosecuted for his handling of confidential documents found at his Mar-a-Lago residence in Florida, after his departure from the White House.

Trump slams “DESIGNABLE raid at Mar-a-Lago”

Court documents contain standard FBI language that says its agents are authorized to use deadly force if someone is in imminent danger. But Donald Trump, who must face Joe Biden in the November presidential election, assured that the wording showed that the agents were ready to shoot him and harm his family.

“It has just been revealed that the Biden Justice Department was authorized to use DEADLY FORCE in its DESPITE raid at Mar-a-Lago. You know they are itching to do the unthinkable…” wrote the right-wing candidate in an email calling for donations, according to American media. “Joe Biden was ready to draw his weapon to eliminate me and put my family in danger. He thinks he can scare me, intimidate me and KNOCK ME DOWN! “, he added.

This is the latest accusation made by Donald Trump against his Democratic rival. He constantly asserts, and without evidence, that the president is using justice against him.

The Democratic camp denounces “strange and dangerous” remarks

The leader of the Democratic majority in the Senate, Chuck Schumer, called on all elected officials to condemn the “strange and dangerous” comments of the former tenant of the White House. “We cannot let this man, Donald Trump, or anyone else, throw these types of matches to light flames that could consume our democracy.”

Criticism also came from his camp. Liz Cheney, who served as a Republican leader in Congress before becoming a leading critic of the business mogul, said Donald Trump was “unstable.” “He knows that it is a lie that could once again provoke violence from those who blindly follow him,” she wrote on X. On the other hand, the fiercely Trumpist elected official Marjorie Taylor Greene has , claimed that the Department of Justice and the FBI had given the “green light” to this assassination.

However, on the day of the search, Donald Trump was not in Florida. In a rare statement, the FBI assured that “there was no deviation from the norm in this case.”

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