Trouble about fries at Ikea: the Würzburg branch removes fries from the menu News

Trouble because of a single branch |

No more fries at Ikea?

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Würzburg – The discussion surrounding this sign was hotter than french fries!

The operator of the local Ikea restaurant in Würzburg (Bavaria) stated that it no longer wanted to offer fries for reasons of climate protection. The blogger Boris Reitschuster (51) published a photo from the Ikea branch on his Twitter account.

The inscription reads: “We deliberately do without french fries” and further: “A portion of fries causes more than four times as much CO2 during processing and preparation as a portion of boiled potatoes.” Everyone can do something to reduce greenhouse gases through a conscious diet contribute.

The Ikea branch in Würzburg is said to have justified its waiver of chips with this sign

Photo: Source: Twitter

After the photo appeared on the Internet, there were horrified comments from readers. The group then explained that fries were not an integral part of the offer anyway.

The company made it clear on Thursday that it was “an individual decision” by the Würzburg location and not a decision that applied to all German furniture stores.

Of 54 Ikea stores, only the branches in Würzburg and Bremerhaven no longer want to offer fries. BILD reporter Kira Ortmann also did the test at Ikea in Berlin-Tempelhof and lo and behold: French fries were on offer.

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