Tree in overhead line: No rail traffic between Neumünster and Hamburg | – News

As of: May 16, 2024 6:55 p.m

According to Deutsche Bahn, regional and long-distance traffic is currently suspended in both directions. The reason for this is damage to the overhead line. Passengers are currently being evacuated from a train.

According to the railway, a tree fell onto an overhead line between Neumünster and Brokstedt (Steinburg district) at around 4:30 p.m. The reason for this was probably strong wind. Two trains were directly at or near the affected area at the time. After the overhead line was grounded, the fire department is currently in the process of evacuating just over 400 rail passengers from one train. You can leave the train safely using a temporary staircase. According to the railway, the second train should not be evacuated, but should travel back towards Neumünster. At the same time, repair work on the overhead line began. The railway cannot yet say how long this will last or when traffic will start moving again.

Passenger speaks of slight panic on the train

According to a passenger, slight panic broke out on the train immediately after the tree hit the compartment. Announcements then informed passengers that the power line was directly on the train and that they should stay away from windows and doors, the passenger told NDR Schleswig-Holstein. After around two hours, first people with disabilities and then everyone else were allowed to leave the affected compartment, said the passenger.

Some trains start and end in Neumünster

The RE 7 trains from or to Flensburg or Kiel start and end early in Neumünster. The trains between Neumünster and Hamburg Hbf are canceled. Trains on the RE 70 line between Kiel and Hamburg are also canceled.

Train travelers from Kiel are asked to take the route via Lübeck. According to the railway, travelers coming from Neumünster or traveling in this direction can use the connection via Bad Segeberg (Segeberg district) and Bad Oldesloe (Stormarn district) or Bad Bramstedt (Segeberg district). Current information about train connections is available at Fault reporter on

Further information

From December, the S3 to Pinneberg will run less frequently during off-peak times. The municipalities express their displeasure to Transport Minister Madsen. more

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NDR 1 Wave North | News for Schleswig-Holstein | May 16, 2024 | 17:00 o’clock

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