Transport card, OQTF… What do we know about the synagogue attacker?

The man was shot dead by the police while threatening them with a knife after trying to set fire to a synagogue in Rouen (Seine-Maritime). He did not have any identification papers with him, which is why information concerning him still remains sketchy.

However, “a first identity of the individual is established but by a single Rouen transport network card, which he was carrying”, declared the public prosecutor of Rouen, Frédéric Teillet during a press point Friday noon . “Investigations are therefore underway” to verify this transport card, he added.

Shortly before this speech, a source close to the matter had informed the press that the neutralized individual was subject to a “non-enforceable” obligation to leave French territory (OQTF). In fact, the man had been subject to this measure for “less than a year”, and it could not be executed because the man “had initiated an appeal before the administrative courts”, specified this source. . He was unknown to the intelligence services, again according to this source.

Threatening individual

According to the first statements of the speakers, firefighters and police officers, reported by the prosecutor, noted “the presence of an individual on the roof of the synagogue” brandishing “an iron bar in one hand and a kitchen knife of the other “. They then noticed smoke coming from a window of the synagogue. The man allegedly threw a Molotov cocktail inside the place of worship, according to information collected by BFMTV.

While the emergency services asked him to come down, the individual “threw the iron bar in their direction, which turned out to be a drill chisel, then jumped from the roof and ran towards a police officer, threatening him with knife that he carries, his arm still raised towards him,” explains the prosecutor. Despite the police officer’s “ineffective” warnings, the assailant continued his course, it was then that the police officer “would have used his weapon five times, hitting the individual four times”, specifies Frédéric Teillet. Care is then provided to the individual, without success.

Several open investigations

A first investigation entrusted to the zonal directorate of the national police was opened for “arson” targeting a place of worship, “intentional violence with a weapon against persons holding public authority” and for “intentional violence with a weapon against a person charged with of a public service mission, the firefighters”, entrusted to the judicial police of Rouen, said the prosecution. “I ordered the intervention of a fire expert,” adds the prosecutor.

Another investigation was opened into the circumstances of the death of the armed individual for “intentional violence with a weapon leading to death without intention of causing it”, entrusted to the General Inspectorate of the National Police (IGPN). Asked by AFP, the National Anti-Terrorism Prosecutor’s Office indicates that it is currently assessing whether it will take up the case.

The police officer who used his weapon was placed in police custody “while the video surveillance images are processed and his interview is recorded”. Images which “establish in my opinion that the police officer used his weapon under the conditions permitted by the Internal Security Code”, believes Frédéric Teillet. And added: “His police custody will therefore be lifted as soon as his hearing is over. » The investigation is continuing. An autopsy will be carried out at the beginning of the afternoon.

Early morning gunshots

A local resident, Elias Morisse, who lives opposite this synagogue built in 1950, said “he heard gunshots and explosions around 6:50 a.m. As I was leaving, I decided to open the shutters of my apartment, and indeed I saw smoke coming out of the synagogue, the police, the firefighters and really right in the street a body, that of the attacker who was shot dead at that time. »

According to the president of the Jewish community of Rouen Natacha Ben Haïm, “the fire caused a lot of damage. I must have recognized the place, so I can tell you it’s terrible. » “We had a great miracle. The books of the Torah, the sacred books, it is truly the most important object, sentimentally as well as financially, have not been affected. While the fire broke out right next to it, that is to say, everything next to it burned,” she added.

Call for a gathering

The mayor of the city, Nicolas Mayer-Rossignol, “is calling for a Republican rally this evening at 6 p.m. in front of Rouen Town Hall, following the fire at the synagogue and the attack that occurred this morning. Thank you to all. »

Gérald Darmanin, who goes there at 1:30 p.m., asked the prefects on April 14 to strengthen security in front of Jewish places of worship as well as in front of religious schools, the day after the attack carried out by Iran against Israel.

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