Traffic: where German city dwellers drive all-wheel drive cars

Where German city dwellers drive all-wheel drive cars

Off-road vehicles and SUVs with all-wheel drive are no longer only found in rural areas. Photo: Sina Schuldt/dpa

© dpa-infocom GmbH

Off-road vehicles and SUVs with all-wheel drive are no longer only found in rural areas. Even in some of the largest German cities, their share of the vehicle population is above average.

Drivers in big cities rarely need all-wheel drive. Nevertheless, some of the largest German cities are well above the national average when it comes to the proportion of four-wheel drive vehicles, as shown by current figures from the Federal Motor Transport Authority. The highest values ​​can be found in Munich, Stuttgart, Frankfurt am Main and Düsseldorf.

Overall, however, only a third of the 15 largest German cities have an all-wheel drive share above the German average of 12.8 percent of the vehicle population. Specifically, these are Munich with 20 percent, Stuttgart with 16.6, Frankfurt am Main with 16.3 and Düsseldorf and Nuremberg with 14.3 and 13.3 percent. In the case of Munich and Stuttgart, it should also play a role that manufacturers of large SUVs and off-road vehicles, such as BMW, Mercedes and Porsche, are based there.

The lowest all-wheel drive shares among the largest German cities have Duisburg with 8.4 percent, Leipzig with 9.7 and Dortmund with 9.9 percent. In the relatively tight midfield are Hamburg with 12 percent, Cologne (11.5), Hanover (11.4), Dresden (10.9), Berlin (10.8), Essen (10.6) and Bremen with 10.3 percent .

With regard to all German registration districts, the highest all-wheel drive shares are all in Bavaria. Above all Miesbach with 28.3 percent ahead of Freyung-Grafenau (28), Regen (27.2) and Oberallgäu (24.9). Only in eleventh place is Sonneberg in Thuringia (20.7 percent), a district from another federal state. The lowest all-wheel drive rates in Germany are in the north and west, specifically in the cities of Emden with 7.7 percent, Wilhelmshaven and Herne with 7.9 each and Kiel with 8.2 percent.


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