“Tous en cuisine” by Cyril Lignac back to school

Confinement or not, Cyril Lignac returns next season with Tous en cuisine on M6. Guillaume Charles, in charge of the programs of the sixth channel, returned to
Puremedia this Thursday on the performance of the chain and the grid for next season.

And good news for all those confined who had remained glued to their screen to see the most popular chef of the small screen deliver his simple recipes, the show is back.

“The show will return after the start of the school year and at Christmas. In our opinion, this program is interesting even without confinement, ”explained Guillaume Charles. All in the kitchen had gathered up to 2.6 million viewers in April 2020 and the results of season 2 were also good with 1.32 million viewers on average, or 8.9%. We can bet that the followers of the concept will always be there.

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