“Tori & Lokita” in the cinema: The weakest links in the chain – culture

Tori and Lokita get five euros, a ridiculous wage, for singing in a pizzeria. “Alla fiera dell’est” is the name of one of the songs, in which a father buys his children a mouse for two coins, which is eaten by a cat, which in turn is bitten by the dog, and so on. The song tells about the law of the strongest, wrapped in a cheerful, folk-like melody. Tori and Lokita say they heard the song in a reception camp in Italy. The two immigrated to Belgium from Africa as unaccompanied minor refugees, as the authorities say. Tori is maybe eleven, Lokita is 16 years old. In the spirit of the song, they are the “mouse,” the weakest link in a chain of violence.

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