Too many hiccups in the distribution of professions of faith, Gérald Darmanin denounces a public market

Illustration of election leaflets. – Clement Giuliano / 20 Minutes

  • After dysfunctions, elected officials are questioning the effectiveness of the distribution of electoral leaflets, which citizens should receive in their letterbox for the elections of June 20 and 27.
  • Gérald Darmanin announced this Thursday that he will convene the company Adrexo, which won a call for tenders at the start of the year to distribute these leaflets in 51 departments.
    • The Minister of the Interior also announced that he had called for the public contract to be called into question at the end of the second round.

In the North, in Haute-Loire, in the Marne… What is happening with the distribution of professions of faith for regional and departmental elections? Elected officials
have alerted in the last few days sure
hiccups in distribution: leaflets would not have been left in voters’ mailboxes.

Adrien Quatennens, LFI deputy for the North, published three photos on Monday showing envelopes placed on letter boxes or lying next to a trash can.

Jean-François Pyl, LFI candidate for departmental, explains to 20 minutes to have discovered these last Saturday morning near the cemetery of Ronchin, a city bordering Lille. “There were at least a hundred folds,” he recalls. These letters were not returns: “It was obvious that they were envelopes to be distributed. “These couriers eventually arrived at their destination, after steps were taken by the chosen one.

” It was predictable “

Jean-François Pyl denounces the conditions of distribution of these leaflets by a company. “I’m not trying to blame the insecure employee (you certainly know the working conditions of flyer distributors), he wrote on his Facebook page on June 14. But it was predictable: companies respond to calls for tenders at the best price (at the cheapest) and ultimately it is the employees who are in a hurry like lemons with hellish rates and miserable pay. “

The candidate refers to a call for tenders that had been launched by the Ministry of the Interior for this contract. In the Hauts-de-France, the Grand-Est region, in Normandy, in Center-Val-de-Loire, in Bourgogne-Franche Comté, in Pays-de-la-Loire and in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, the call offers was won at the beginning of the year by the company Adrexo.

According to France 3, this company, specializing in the distribution of prospectuses, recruited 6,000 temporary workers to distribute electoral leaflets. Asked by us, Adrexo did not follow up.

The market was originally scheduled to cover the 2022 presidential election

Questioned in the Senate on the dysfunctions, Gérald Darmanin, the Minister of the Interior, announced this Thursday that the public market would be called into question after the holding of the departmental and regional. This contract was initially concluded for a period of four years, a period which includes the next presidential election. It will therefore be relaunched after June 27.

Will La Poste again be a candidate in this market? It is the second company currently responsible for distributing electoral leaflets. It thus ensures distribution in Ile-de-France, Brittany, Corsica, New Aquitaine, Occitanie, Provence Alpes-Côte-d’Azur and in the overseas departments.

La Poste did not wish to respond to any anomalies it would have observed in the distribution of the leaflets for which it is responsible, but its communication department specifies that the postmen are responsible for distributing more than 93 million envelopes containing the leaflets. candidates for the departmental and regional elections on June 20 and 27.

Find all the results of the regional elections on Sunday, June 20 from 8 p.m. on

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