Today a court makes the verdict on Sebastian Kurz. The Austrians have already done this

Sebastian Kurz is awaiting his verdict today for making a false statement before an investigative committee. With the fallen former young star of the conservatives, an entire political era is on trial, whose staff looks like something out of a poorly staged operetta.

The popular operetta “Die Fledermaus” is currently on the schedules in Austria’s theaters. Perhaps this has something to do with the fact that the plot of the waltz work, which premiered in 1874, has similarities to current events in this republic, which is often maligned as an “operetta state”: in the first act, the various main characters deceive and deceive each other, and in the second there are entanglements with one of them ominous Russians, at whose lavish party mutual revenge is carried out; In the third part, the aloof Viennese upper class finally finds themselves in “Häfn” – i.e. in prison – with a gigantic hangover.

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