Thousands of demonstrators in Paris demanded “beds, posts”

A few thousand people marched on Saturday near the Ministry of Health in Paris to demand an end to bed closures in public hospitals and better working conditions for caregivers. The salary increases of the “Ségur de la santé” have not extinguished the demands. Throughout their procession between the Invalides, the Necker hospital and the ministry, the demonstrators took up the slogan: “We want beds, posts, for the public hospital”.

More numerous than usual – 6,000 according to a union source – they had first come to ask “urgently to stop all scheduled bed closures”, in order to send “a very clear message” to “reassure hospital agents in a context of a new wave “of Covid, told AFP Yves Veyrier, general secretary of Force Ouvrière.

The working conditions in question

The union, whose section of the Nord-Mayenne hospital is at the origin of this demonstration, had beaten the recall of its troops for the occasion. The CGT, SUD, several healthcare groups (Inter-Urgences, Inter-Hôpitaux, Santé en danger) and some political parties (LFI, EELV) were also present, as were associations of users of small establishments such as Amilly (Loiret ) or Longjumeau (Essonne).

The working conditions were also on everyone’s lips. Nurse in intensive care at the Kremlin-Bicêtre (Val-de-Marne), Séverine, 44, deplores that in her service the beds remain “closed because people are not there” to fill the positions. She hopes for recruitments “to be able to do (her) work correctly”.

“We are always asked for more with ever less resources”, regrets Sophie, 37, nurse in Melun (Seine-et-Marne), who would like to have more “communication and empathy” with patients, but believes that ‘he is no longer “given the time to have this relationship with the patients”.

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