Thousands demonstrate in the north against the war in Ukraine | – News

As of: 02/26/2022 7:16 p.m

After the Russian army invaded Ukraine, the capital Kiev remained contested. There are also reports of fighting from other parts of the country. Thousands of people demonstrated against the war in northern Germany. The current events at a glance.

According to President Zelenskyj, Kiev is still under Ukrainian control. “We withstood the enemy attacks and successfully repelled them,” said Zelenskyj at noon. According to the Ukrainian army, it distributed 25,000 automatic weapons to civilians. There are hardly any independent reports on the exact situation. Russia accused Ukraine of rejecting negotiations. So the advance will continue. The Ukrainian side has denied the allegations that they refuse to negotiate. But one is also not prepared to accept ultimatums or unacceptable conditions.

In the meantime, the federal government is apparently softening its no to arms deliveries to Ukraine. According to media reports, the Netherlands, among others, are allowed to forward 400 Panzerfausts made in Germany.

AUDIO: New Podcast Episode: Armed Forces & Strategies – Battle for Kiev (32 min)

Thousands of people in northern Germany demonstrate against war

According to police reports, around 5,000 people demonstrated in Kiel on Saturday against the war in Ukraine. There were also demos in other northern German cities – for example in Hanover and Hamburg.

New EU sanctions against Russia have now come into force. They are also to meet President Putin and Foreign Minister Lavrov directly. Germany’s Economics Minister Habeck and Foreign Minister Baerbock also spoke out in favor of “specific restrictions” for Russia in the international financial settlement system SWIFT. “We’re working flat out on how to limit the collateral damage of a disconnect so that it hits the right people.”

Meanwhile, many people continue to flee Ukraine. According to information from Warsaw, around 100,000 refugees have arrived in Poland alone since Thursday. Lower Saxony, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Hamburg are preparing to take in refugees.

Further information

The logo of the aid organization "Campaign Germany Helps" © Aktion Deutschland Hilft

If you want to donate to the people affected by the war in Ukraine, you will find aid organizations and bank details here. more

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A Ukrainian family goes through the border crossing to Poland in Medyka.  © dpa-Bildfunk

According to the UN, most of them are seeking protection in Poland and Moldova. More at

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Sarah Pagung |  Image: NDR/Wolfgang Borrs © NDR/Wolfgang Borrs Photo: Wolfgang Borrs

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Refugees from Ukraine arrive at a border crossing in Poland.  © dpa-Bildfunk/AP Photo: Visar Kryeziu

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Further reports on the subject from northern Germany:

Further information

Hundreds of people are demonstrating on Hamburg's Rathausmarkt.  © NDR Photo: Kai Salander

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