This chef turns fast food menus into real gourmet meals

Watch the video: Millions of views on Tiktok – Chef turns cheap fast food menus into real gourmet meals.

Danny Kim is a food influencer and he had a fun idea. He challenges chefs to turn cheap fast food meals into gourmet dishes. In the style of Challenges, he presents fast-food meals to professional chefs and asks them to transform them.

“It’s basically a showdown,” Kim said. “I want to showcase chefs’ talents by challenging them to turn something cheap into something worthy of fine dining.”
A video that has more than 28 million views shows a chef turning a McDonald’s menu into three gourmet meals.
He counts:
Then it starts…
First the parts of the McDonalds menu are prepared.
But the chef does not content himself with everyday ingredients.
His gourmet burger is wrapped in the fatty tissue of the pig’s stomach.
Another highlight: the fries become a pasta filling.
The french fries pasta are spiced up with black truffles.
The dessert is called Baked Alaska and consists essentially of the McDonald’s milkshake.
TikTok users are excited about the impressive transformation. Danny Kim’s video has already been liked 3 million times.

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