They puncture all the tires of the neighbors’ cars three times in a row

Deflating SUV tires to warn about the polluting side of these vehicles is certainly prohibited, but the act carries a message. For the news item concerning the town of Saint-Saulve, in the North, we are still wondering what was the plan of the man suspected of having punctured the tires of his neighbors’ cars several times.

The last fact dates back to Friday February 3 according to BFM. Three residents of the same street in this town near Valenciennes discovered that the tires of their cars had been slashed with knives during the night. Not one, not two, but all four tires every time.

Three times since October 2022

Enough to infuriate motorists, especially since it was not the first time that they had been played this bad trick. Indeed, in October 2022 and last January, an elusive individual had already vandalized their vehicles in the same way.

Except that the serial killer made a mistake during his last misdeed. Without realizing it, he played with the knife while he was filmed by the CCTV camera installed in front of the house of one of his victims. And the latter was able to easily identify on the short film that the vandal was none other than one of her neighbors, a man in his sixties.

Arrested on the basis of images of his victim, corroborated by those of city cameras, the suspect was taken into custody. Before fainting in front of the police, the man still denied the charges against him. He will be tried next June.

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