The Würzburg International Film Weekend is taking place for the 50th time – Bavaria

There are many film festivals; in Bavaria alone, almost two dozen of these events have become one Association merged. There aren’t quite as many film festivals that have existed for half a century: in that sense it has Würzburg International Film Weekend probably a unique selling point. It has taken place every January since 1974, and for several years now in the Bürgerbräu cultural center.

The 50th edition of the festival opens on Thursday, January 25th: Until Sunday, January 28th, the audience can expect a colorful film program, including current productions such as “Dream Scenario” with Hollywood star Nicolas Cage or Agnieszka Holland’s festival hit “Green Border” are shown. The actor Axel Prahl and the director Marcus H. Rosenmüller are expected in Würzburg as star guests.

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