Lose kilos with carbohydrates? This is how high-carb foods help you lose weight

Carbohydrates give your body energy to fuel your muscles and brain. Nevertheless, carbs have a bad reputation: they are considered fattening foods. But is that actually true? In fact, there are foods that contain vital carbohydrates and can at the same time support the path to your desired weight. You can find out what these are here.

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Why are carbohydrates important?

If you think you have to completely avoid carbohydrates in order to lose a few kilos, you are wrong. Because that proper carbohydrates are even conducive to body fat to dismantle. Healthy carbs are important Energy suppliersso that the body can function. Does he get the ones contained therein? Macronutrients not threatening over a longer period of time Difficulty concentrating, fatigue, muscle loss and headaches. The right carbohydrates help the body burn fat and build muscle mass because they are also rich in protein. They also take care of you low blood sugar levels and lower blood pressure and blood lipid levels.

Foods with complex carbohydrates:

In the clip: You should consume these carbohydrates during a diet

Lose weight with carbohydrates

The carbohydrates in whole grains contain concentrated nutrients and fiber, which not only keep us full for a particularly long time, but are also responsible for the digestion worked perfectly. It’s also filling high protein content of whole grain products sustainably. It regulates our blood sugar levels and supports muscle building. Here they come Top 10 the carbohydrate-rich foods that help you lose weight.

Good to know: There is also an upper limit for the intake of energy-rich foods. The German Society for Nutrition (DGE) recommends, for example 500 grams of carbohydrates per daymost of which whole grain products should be.

1. Legumes

They are part of a healthy diet: legumes like Kidney beans, chickpeas and lentils. Black beans are rich in fiber and fill you up quickly – ideal for a slim figure. Although black beans also contain carbohydrates, these are absorbed in the small intestine in a timely manner, which prevents them all from entering the bloodstream at the same time. Kidney beans are particularly rich in fiber and protein, and they also improve blood sugar control. Chickpeas are also legumes and are an excellent source of plant-based proteins. Thanks to their high saponin content They keep blood sugar levels low and protect the cardiovascular system.

Good to know: If you want to avoid meat, lentils are the best choice. The legumes are a good one alternative to animal protein sources..

Try the healthy lentil curry recipe:

2. Whole wheat bread

Do you love bread and don’t want to go without it while losing weight? Then choose that Whole grain variant – also with toast and rolls. Contain whole grain products much more nutrients as such made from white flour. Especially in the Shell of whole grains contain important nutrients such as Magnesium, calcium, iron and B vitamins.

With this recipe, you can make homemade whole grain bread in no time:

3. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is not only cheap and very nutritious, but it also keeps you full for a long time. The reason for this is theirs complex carbohydrateswhich supply the body with energy and that Feeling of satiety support financially. They are a valuable source of proteins, unsaturated fatty acids and fiber, which stimulate metabolism and thus help you lose weight. In addition impede oatmeal Muscle loss, which also benefits weight loss. One high muscle mass namely, that your body burns more calorieseven when idle.

Discover 5 oatmeal recipes to lose weight:

4. Quinoa

Quinoa scores in contrast Pasta or rice with complex carbohydrates, lots of them fiber and one Extra portion of protein. The Inca grain is also gluten free and therefore ideal for allergy sufferers and people with intolerances. Quinoa tastes great cold as a salad, warm in curry or as porridge for breakfast.

This protein-rich quinoa salad supports your immune system:

5. Berries

Whether raspberries, blackberries or blueberries: berries are one of them healthiest foods at all. Compared to other types of fruit, they also have a low carbohydrate content and few calories: they contain around 33 kilocalories per 100 grams. Berries are also one of the superfoods because they contain important ones Vitamins and mineralslike for example Vitamin C and K and manganese.

This breakfast with berries can help you lose weight:

6. Sweet potatoes

The sweet potato, which comes from South America, is one of the most popular foods in healthy cuisine. No wonder, because 100 g contains 24 grams of complex carbohydrates, lots of fiber, almost no fat and only 108 calories. Also contains sweet potatoes Antioxidantsregulate blood sugar and cholesterol levels, strengthen the muscles and are also real with their high potassium content Stress buster. The orange-colored wild plant also has one lower glycemic index, which means that blood sugar levels don’t shoot up as quickly and Food cravings stay away.

This sweet potato recipe can reduce stress and prevent cravings:

7. Buckwheat

buckwheat is gluten free and therefore well tolerated even by a sensitive stomach. Besides, he is very rich in protein, Antioxidants, minerals and fiberwhat the metabolism optimally stimulates and thus supports the body in breaking down fat. Buckwheat can deacidify the body, thereby Inflammation and pain decay more quickly. Tip: On Bread from buckwheat Bake it yourself – tastes delicious and is also very healthy.

Here is a simple recipe for delicious protein rolls:

8. Apples

They are among the best Carbohydrate suppliersthat will help you lose weight. Apples included pectina fiber that is particularly filling and can thus prevent food cravings. They also contain Vitamin C and antioxidants. An apple is suitable as a snack during a diet, but also tastes good in a salad. Also Apple Cider Vinegar is a natural Detox remedieswhich can help you lose weight.

This casserole recipe combines good carbohydrates perfectly:

In the clip: What you didn’t know about the apple

9. Whole wheat pasta

When it comes to pasta and spaghetti, you should choose variants whole grain grab things that help you lose weight: they hold full for a long timebecause they are for the metabolism are not that easy to crack. In addition, whole grain products have a high volumethey make you feel full faster.

With this recipe you can make spaghetti carbonara without any cream:

10. Wild rice

In order for rice to help you lose weight, you should always eat it Whole grain rice grab. It keeps you full much longer than white rice, which causes blood sugar levels to rise too quickly. In addition, wild rice has twice as much high proportion of protein than white rice and contains particularly many Fiber and amino acidsfor example for the Muscle building are important.

Discover a simple recipe with rice for weight loss here:

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