The unexpected pep of a vegan kebab whose “meat” is made up of peas

A 100% vegan fast food. You dreamed of it, Moyado did it. With some success, because having tasted their specialties, 20 minutes claims to have been surprised at the quality. Located in the 17th arrondissement of Paris, it is also the first restaurant of the rapper Dosseh and the actor Yassine Azzouz. The address could almost fit in a pocket handkerchief: a waiting counter and a simple little table that can be found on the sidewalk on sunny days. Quality fast food rhymes well with “ fast-good ” as the saying goes.

On the menu, only organic and vegetable products. The burger consists of a soy, coconut and beetroot steak in a sweet potato bun (10 euros). But our taste leans clearly in favor of the kebab whose grilled garnish, the result of a partnership with Planted, the popular protein brand, is made of pea starch reconstituted into thin strips (11 euros). “The kebab was really what we wanted to launch first, says Christophe Sainte-Luce, the restaurant manager. The burgers came next. On the menu, we also like the nuggets (6 euros per three) with their mixture of chickpeas and corn. We recommend tasting on site or in the street on the go, rather than delivery because the contents of the bag will arrive cold.

No food contraindications

That would be a shame, because Moyado’s founders drew inspiration from sunny Southern California for its warmth, well-being, and the logo’s “Sunbun” colors, where a setting sun reveals a burger bun in a gradient. yellow, green and brown. “The basic idea came from the United States, underlines the boss of the place. But our goal is to make everyone adhere to the quality of healthy, organic and light products, independent of any dietary contraindication. »

Too bad it was impossible to pull the worms out of him as to the seasonings which will remain secret. We just know that “the product is refreshed compared to everything we put in, with cucumber, lettuce, red cabbage… and a few spices on the kebab”. Gourmet spices of which even Planted, the partner, told us that they did not know the composition.

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