The two roosters in the garden are crowing too loud for the neighbors

Another story of roosters. It is not necessarily because they sing loudly, but because “it is repetitive” explains one of the neighbors who complains. The reproaches against the songs of the two dwarf roosters of the neighborhood are raining and it is now up to the mayor of the small rural town of Fontaine (Territoire de Belfort), which had no more than 598 inhabitants in 2018, to try to find a solution. , recount France Blue Belfort Montbéliard.

For several weeks, the owners of the gallinaceae and several of their neighbors, who until then had not complained, have been in the midst of a conflict. Complaints for threats to birds have been lodged with the gendarmerie, the rural guards have been alerted, specify our colleagues. The mayor of the town has scheduled a meeting with conciliators this Thursday and if no solution is found adds France Bleu, the neighbors could bring the case to justice.

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