The thrower of a mysterious bottle in the sea wanted

A bottle in the sea covered with shells was discovered in February in Sarzeau, in Morbihan. The sender is wanted. – Sarzeau town hall

It’s been several months since this bottle covered with shells came to rest on the beach of Penvins, in Sarzeau. After a two-year transatlantic voyage, the floating object ran aground on the Morbihan coast in February. In the bottle, walkers found a message written in English and Spanish. And a $ 2 bill. ” Hello. This bottle was on the liner Liberty, of the Carnival company, in the Caribbean, near Puerto Rico ”. Who threw this bottle and this message? This is what a couple from Sarzeau and their grandchildren, who discovered the object three months ago, are trying to find out.

For the time being, research has yielded nothing. So much so that the town decided to appeal for help to try to find the launcher of this bottle. According to the municipality, the sender lives in Chula Vista, California, near San Diego. He could not be found. Anyone likely to help advance the quest for the mysterious launcher can send an email to the town hall at: [email protected].

A message and a two dollar bill were left in a bottle in the sea launched two years ago from the Caribbean and discovered in Brittany. – Sarzeau town hall

Pushed by the currents and the gulf stream, the bottle would have crossed the Atlantic and the some 6,500 kilometers that separate Sarzeau from the coast of Puerto Rico.

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