The threat of load shedding this winter “seems to be on the decline”, according to Olivier Véran

On Wednesday, the threat of power cuts this winter “seems to be subsiding”, government spokesman Olivier Véran said during his weekly press conference, the executive nevertheless calling on “businesses and citizens” to “maintain efforts on eco-gestures”.

“The risk of a power outage this winter seems to be receding, in particular due to a gradual resumption of operation of our nuclear power plants, but also due to the weather conditions, as everyone will have been able to see, but also due to the effort made by the State, companies and all French people in terms of energy sobriety”, declared Olivier Véran after the Council of Ministers. “It is therefore rather reassuring news but which should not take us away from our objective, which is that of energy sobriety”, added Olivier Véran.

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