The shadow of the indestructible Didier Raoult still looms at the IHU

A specter haunts the IHU. It’s been a few months since the controversial Marseille professor had been talked about. Kicked out of the AP-HM (Marseille Hospitals) after reaching retirement age, here is Didier Raoult still within the walls of the establishment, returning through the window via his status as professor emeritus, which gave him gives the right to maintain an office there.

It reappeared this week on the media scene after the National Medicines Safety Agency (ANSM) announced that it had taken legal action again after the republication of a study – pre-published in June before being withdrawn – aimed at demonstrating the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine against Covid-19.

” Checkmate ” ?

This study, published in the magazine New Microbes and New Infections, concerns the analysis of a database of 30,423 patients treated against Covid-19 and was signed by Didier Raoult, as well as three other professors from the IHU and an American professor. Beyond the scientific debate, this publication sounds like a snub – even a provocation – made to its supervisory administration, while the ANSM had just a week earlier eased the restrictions imposed on the IHU in terms of clinical trials following the “Raoult affairs”.

“There is a need to turn the page” Didier Raoult, declared François Crémieux upon his arrival at the head of Marseille hospitals, in August 2021, while announcing the upcoming retirement of the founder of the IHU. Two years later, it’s hard to say he’s still like that. A new director has taken over from Didier Raoult. But Pierre-Édouard Fournier is one of his former students. ” Checkmate “, had also tweeted Didier Raoult on the day this appointment is announced, in July 2022.

“The presence of Mr. Raoult within the walls of the IHU, where he still has an office, makes the transfer of power complicated,” believes Cédric Bottero, of the CGT Aix-Marseille University (AMU). The trade unionist had participated in the CHSCT hearings which led to the seizure of the Igas (General Inspectorate of Social Affairs). For him, the republication of this latest study “proves that professors like Philippe Brouqui, Matthieu Million or Philippe Parola continue to work with Raoult. The ANSM, the Ministry of Health, the AMU and the AP-HM must sanction. He must be able to hold disciplinary councils and finally be able to turn the page,” wishes Cédric Bottero. In a press release, the AP-HM indicated that it “strongly condemns the publication of this article, relating to a study which, according to the ANSM, does not respect regulations and patient protection”.

The hammer and the anvil

A whole hay that the biochemist Eric Chabrière, close to Didier Raoult, still a researcher and today in charge of the “valorization of the IHU”, would almost enjoy. “This is the effect Barbra Streisand », laughs the man who was nicknamed the “sheriff”, the real voice of Didier Raoult on X (formerly Twitter), finally acquitted of an accusation of harassment. “They wanted to fire Didier Raoult, but this strategy does not work with him, and even amuses him. He thrives in combat,” describes the biochemist. Who adds: “Didier Raoult is arrogant as hell, unpleasant as rain, but he is brilliant.”

At the IHU, as we have said, the shadow of Didier Raoult still looms large. “It was he who created the building, it’s difficult to forget him,” continues Eric Chabrière. Who assures that there, “no one turned their back on him”. In fact, Pierre-Edouard Fournier, Didier Raoult’s successor at the head of the institute, “finds himself a bit between a rock and a hard place”, illustrates Eric Chabrière.

But “the evolution of the IHU is rather favorable”, wants to believe Pierre Tattevin, professor of infectious diseases and former director of Spilf (French-speaking infectious pathology society). This structure had filed a complaint against Didier Raoult, leading him to appear before the Order of Physicians, where he received a reprimand. “Mr. Fournier is much more measured than Didier Raoult. It’s going in the right direction, but it will take time,” continues the infectious disease specialist. From time to time, the indestructible Didier Raoult can still contemplate at home the statue bearing his likeness that an admirer gave him.

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