The secrets of Laury Thilleman’s morning routine

In an exclusive interview, Laury Thilleman, new ambassador of the cosmetic brand Melvitaanswered questions from 20 minutes about his waking habits. She doesn’t hesitate to give her fitness or beauty tips, her good addresses and share her little everyday gestures.

Waking up with Laury means waking up at what time?

It depends, I love getting up early but I’m a little marmot, so often between 8 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. the days start at 10 a.m. in Paris, so I try to squeeze in as many minutes as possible.

What is your first instinct when you get up?

If I’m next to the ocean it’s to go watch the waves and otherwise sprinkle myself with rose water. It wakes me up suddenly. It’s a bit like my espresso coffee effect in the morning.

The feel-good music that you like to sing/listen to while getting ready?

Get it on of T. Rex. And on top, you put your toast in the toaster, a little matcha tea, rose water. A bit like in the movies.

The hairstyle you do when you wake up late

I put a little sea water spray and I “scrunch” with my hands, my sister taught me the technique. This is to accentuate the ripple and imitate the effect of water coming out in summer. But I like to extend it into fall and winter too.

Your beauty essentials? (make up + skincare)

I love oils, I’m a big fan of jojoba oil which is superb for regulating excess sebum. I mix it with my Yves Rocher zero-defect BB cream made in Brittany. Obviously, there is also the extraordinary rose water which really prepares my skin for hydration, by Melvita, made in Ardèche. We are really making skincare in France.

Among them, which one would you choose if you could only keep one?

Too hard to have to choose… I would choose jojoba oil.

The outfit in which you feel best every day?

Vintage bomber jacket, striped pants that fit well, sneakers or boots, the ones I wear are from Billabong. Do we love it or not? Isn’t this really THE fall outfit?

If I open your bag, what will we definitely find there?

I don’t have a bag, I don’t have a pocket and what’s more, I just emptied them. But we will always find: my phone, my airpods and my wired headphones because otherwise on the bike you can’t hear with the airpods, my keys. I don’t have a wallet because I have everything on my phone. I’m really very minimalist, I never have a handbag, sorry. Ah, I almost forgot my mini vial of rose water. She is with me all the time, it’s my “everyday refresh”.

Where do you go for lunch?

It depends on where I am in Paris. I see avocados, scrambled eggs, matcha tea, that’s my thing. I see a shop with a little greenery, I go straight in. I’m very, very Californian food actually. I admit, I admit, I really like it.

A place you like to go and why?

I love the Luxembourg Gardens. I don’t live very far away, and I must admit that it is a very pleasant park which gives me oxygen when I am not next to the ocean which does me so much good. Otherwise, at home in Brittany. I really like the Landes too.

We are very comfortable in France, we have lots of absolutely incredible landscapes. I must admit that I am lucky to have a home base that allows me to re-energize myself when I am a little down, especially as winter approaches.

Your secret to staying in shape and being in a good mood?

Smile. Your brain records everything good that a laugh, a smile has to send you in terms of hormones, dopamine… Whereas if you pull your face, your brain will only record the stress hormone that you will generate and that’s not good.

So positive projection, transformation of information to make you have a good day. So smile, even if it’s forced, in front of your mirror, it works!

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