The scenario of the drama is taking shape little by little

The macabre discovery was made almost by chance. Saturday evening, shortly after 10 p.m., firefighters were called to a trash fire under the Austerlitz bridge in Paris. A seemingly classic operation which nevertheless revealed a crime: in seeking to identify the origin of this arson, the firefighters identified a suitcase. Inside the charred object, they discovered the dismembered body of a man. The Paris prosecutor’s office immediately opened an investigation for “intentional homicide” and entrusted the investigations to the criminal brigade of the PJ of Paris.

Sunday morning, around 8 a.m., even before the body was identified, a man presented himself at the Defense police station to confess to the murder, we learned 20 minutes from concordant sources, confirming information ofEurope 1. Aged 34, he told the police that he had beaten to death the victim, a disabled man for whom he was the carer. “He mentioned a dispute during which he lost his temper and punched this man,” said a police source. According to BFMthe suspect tested positive for cocaine and had a blood alcohol level of 2.32 grams of alcohol per liter of blood.

The tragedy could have occurred at the end of April

If the investigations are only in their infancy, the scenario described seems to match the first elements. The autopsy revealed that the victim was quadriplegic and had indeed been killed with his bare hands before being dismembered. His identity was confirmed on Sunday evening: he was a 56-year-old man suffering from a degenerative disease. The suspect said he placed the different body parts in the suitcase and bags.

According to a police source, the suspect indicated that the tragedy had occurred three weeks ago but that he only deposited the suitcase containing the body on Saturday under the Austerliz bridge, a place that is difficult to access and generally busy. by homeless people. Elements which must be confirmed by the multiple analyzes in progress. The suspect said he set the suitcase on fire himself, which would have allowed the firefighters to intervene. According to BFM, the man was already well known to the police for multiple crimes, in particular for aggravated violence, criminal conspiracy or death threats. However, the prosecution did not confirm these elements.

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