The RPG-inspired co-op narrative adventure Baladins is now LIVE on Kickstarter

First announced in March this year, Baladins is an RPG-inspired multiplayer game with its own story (1-4 players online). Start and complete entire campaigns with friends in 1-hour play sessions in Seed by Seed’s accessible adventure, revealed in a first gameplay trailer today.

Never missing an opportunity to entertain, Baladins is also now live on Kickstarter, along with its first playable public demo:

Their game is entertaining and Baladins is their name! Choose between four lovable heroes (the legendary Baladins) who embark on a noble mission to bring hope and joy to the people. Each party member has the opportunity to shape the adventure with the turn-based exploration game and make critical decisions that have consequences for both the story and the fantasy world around you. Baladins can be seen at the digital narrative festival LudoNarraCon until May 9th:

Start the adventure on Kickstarter: and visit LudoNarraCon until May 9th to play the demo and discover more storytelling games: https://www.

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