The return to Staps threatened by the lack of teachers

It is one of the most important sections of France. At Rennes 2 University, Staps teachers can’t take it anymore. Overwhelmed, they are asking for more staff to supervise the some 2,500 students who attend their sports course. To make themselves heard, they have just announced the abandonment of all their administrative missions, endangering the next school year.

In a press release, they justify their fed up. “It’s been ten years since the UFR Staps [Sciences et techniques des activités physiques et sportives] Rennes 2 is increasing its reception capacities at the request of the rectorate, without this being accompanied by the corresponding means. “And to add:” We are in the material and human incapacity to welcome more students. We are asking for this imbalance that has formed in recent years to be corrected. “

To establish their arguments, the teachers mobilized use figures, notably evoking a rate of supervision of one teacher for 44 students. They deplore “the multiplication of reports to occupational medicine, situations of overwork and sick leaves”. A situation which generates, in fact, an overload of work for the staff present. In 2018, a strike movement had already hit the industry, which was suffering from the same symptoms.

In protest, the teachers assuming teaching responsibilities have decided to abandon their administrative tasks, jeopardizing the smooth running of the start of the September school year. “To date, no timetable is ready for the next school year when they should be for several weeks. The lack of response from the rectorate condemns the progress of the new school year a little more every day, ”they warn. Discussions are underway with the rectorate.

The announcement of the creation of 14,000 additional places in sectors under strain by the Minister of Higher Education Frédérique Vidal raises fears of an explosion in the number of Staps.

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