The Red Cross launches its 90th national quest in the presence of Adriana Karembeu

The French Red Cross is 160 years old. Founded on May 25, 1864, the association, despite its years of existence, still needs help. This is why, on her birthday, Saturday May 25, 2024 in Paris, she is launching a new great national quest.

This event, which will celebrate its 90th anniversary, remains an essential event for the local structures of the charitable association which need these donations to help the 75,000 volunteers in their local action. Some of them will be this Saturday in Paris at 10:15 a.m. in front of Gare Montparnasse and in Chartres on Place Châtelet at 4:15 p.m. to come and meet everyone to explain their action and the importance of donations.

Antennas hit by crises and inflation

“In this year 2024, the commitment resonates stronger than ever for the French Red Cross. Because we are organizing our 90th national quest, so essential for our volunteers, because it promotes meeting and exchange with the population and allows our local commitment, everywhere in the territories, with the most vulnerable,” explains Philippe Da Costa, president of the French Red Cross.

This person is not Adriana Karembeu but a volunteer from the French Red Cross.– French Red Cross

Also, this quest will take place from May 25 to June 2 during the national days of the French Red Cross, with the objective of clear and close communication on the action and situation of the association. Piggy bank in hand, volunteers will talk about their activities and collect the donations necessary for the survival of their local branches.

With the multiplication of crises, the French Red Cross is seeing its demands increase exponentially even though it is affected by inflation and the energy crisis.

Adriana Karembeu, 25 years of commitment to the Red Cross

From thermoses of comforting coffee to computers to carry out administrative procedures, including survival blankets or milk from bottles given to babies in the “Baby-Parents” areas, the association requires resources to continue its action.

And to talk about this action, who better than its ambassador, Adriana Karembeu? Present this Saturday alongside volunteers in Paris, she will also celebrate an anniversary since she has been involved with the French Red Cross for 25 years.

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