The prescriptions of hydroxychloroquine by the IHU “are not illegal” according to the AP-HM

Is hydroxychloroquine still prescribed today by doctors from the IHU of Didier Raoult and the Public Assistance of Marseille hospitals to treat coronavirus patients despite the controversies surrounding this treatment? Asked about this subject by journalists during a press conference, the director of the AP-HM François Crémieux admitted that this practice was still relevant to some of his doctors.

“There are two categories of prescription, believes François Crémieux. There are the categories of prescriptions which correspond to good practices and which are implemented by the majority of practitioners and teams of the Public Assistance of Hospitals of Marseille. Team leaders implement good practice situations. Many of them help to develop them within their respective scientific teams. And then you have prescription methods which do not correspond to good practice but which are not illegal. And as such, some IHU prescribers are not illegal … but neither are they in the recommendations of good practice. “

Last month, a new internal investigation was requested by the AP-HM following new accusations by Mediapart against the institute headed by Professor Raoult on the conditions under which research on hydroxychloroquine was allegedly carried out.

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